Virtual Production
2024巡迴演唱會 VCR
受到藝術家 Jona Hsu 的邀請,我們參與了導演 Timothy 的專案,並前往永川的《达瓦影棚》虛擬攝影棚,拍攝 GAI《進化論》2024 巡迴演唱會 VCR。

Invited by artist Jona Hsu, we joined director Timothy's project and traveled to Yongchuan’s "Dawa Studio," a virtual production stage, to film the VCR for GAI's Evolution Theory 2024 tour.

In this project, we were responsible for the entire virtual production environment, including the design and creation of a complete city and vehicle assets.

Although we have extensive experience in virtual production, this project was still a challenge for us.
It was the first time we undertook the production of an entire virtual environment as a full team effort.

Beyond the usual requirement for performance optimization, we also adjusted our workflow to collaborate seamlessly with the virtual production team at Dawa Studio.

On the filming day, we made real-time adjustments to the scene based on the director's vision. The director's clear understanding of their needs allowed us to refine the virtual environment more efficiently.

Seeing our work come to life on display at Yongchuan's Dawa Studio was an incredibly rewarding and deeply moving experience for our team.
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